Thursday, October 16, 2008

Biding time

In the midst of a not-great week - despite some truly great poll numbers and pleasant debate-watching - I am just itching to go home to NC on Friday for a night out with old friends followed by the wedding of a family friend on Saturday. My mom has been helping plan that wedding and oh, the stories... Remind me come May that being gracious, mellow, and generally pleasant are some of my favorite qualities about myself, k?

Some little things on my mind:
  • "Getting There Fashionably" This fantastic wedding transportation collage is so my kind of thing. You'll remember that I created a tribute to getaways a couple of months ago... clearly working in transit planning is no accident. ;-) Go visit Southern Weddings' collage for the canoes and the rickshaws... love it!
  • Style Me Pretty featured ABCD Papercupp this week. I'm thrilled for our fabulous invitation designer (I'm getting through your questionnaire, Amy, slowly but surely!), but have to admit I'm ready for Pink Week to be over. Can't we support breast cancer awareness with a different color? I'm a bad girl for getting sick of pink, I know.
  • I have my wedding dress swatch and love it! It has me excited all over again, even though I admit to being distracted by some of the new, amazingly beachy gowns I saw while going to pick it up. Eyes straight ahead, no looking at anything white for the next seven months!
  • Lovely Morning's tribute to her parents' '70s wedding is so fun... and reminds me that I have my parents' wedding photos sitting out on our bar because I can't figure out where to put them. Hmmm.... :-)
  • This great NYTimes slideshow - Mortifying Memories of Being a Bridesmaid - had me cracking up the other day. It includes a football game in bridesmaid dresses and a wedding where anyone who showed up in an old bridesmaid dress could be in the wedding party. It occured to me that the real fun would come from women having to wear the bridesmaid dress they assigned to their bridesmaids... sweet payback. (Thank goodness bridesmaid dress choices are about 1,000 times better than they used to be.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for the link Maggie! Yes, I too have had enough of pink. Can't wait to work on your RED WHITE AND BLUE! Whoo-hooooo!